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[color=green][Accepted][/color]Application: Flames377

Started by Flames377, April 11, 2013, 06:06:26 AM

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About You and Your Account
I'm applying to the Wilderness Guardians clan

1. What is your current RuneScape username, and what are your past usernames, if any?
Flames377 and Syncthegreat

2. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history (e.g. when you started, what your RSN means, favourite activities, etc.):
Prob started in 05 but played off and on. Didn't stop being a noob since 09-10 :p.

3. Tell us about yourself (Name (if you are comfortable), gender, age, country, hobbies, music, talents, likes and dislikes):
Im 17, live in the us, I snowboard, listen to everything besides country, and hate botters!

4. How did you hear about us, and what makes you want to join WG? Which parts of WG are you applying for? (EoC, Old School or both)
I herd about you from the RS Forums and im applying for Old School.

Your PvP Experience

5. What multi-combat PvP experience do you have? Be sure to mention any recent or past F2P or P2P PvP clans you have been in.
Most of the experience is from clan wars clans. Had a few clans but was a while ago and can't remember.

6. Our warring times are usually between 4PM EST/9PM GMT and 6PM EST/11PM GMT on weekends, and sometimes weekdays. Can you regularly be active at these times?
Im on the weekends atlease 5hrs a day and weekdays like 2 hours a day. 4pm est will be no problem.

7. Do you agree to keep your PvP gear well stocked? If applying for EoC, can you stock up on the required gear found as a sticky in the 'Join the Clan' forum?  Your gear will be checked when you are given a CC invite.
Yes i have been moneymaking a lot lately.

8. Do you understand that all PvP events are mandatory if you are online, and that you face removal from the clan should you blatantly skip these events?
yes i do.

Your Activity and Availability

9. Do you agree to check our forums daily, be on IRC at all times while you are in game, and to be on TeamSpeak for all wars and raids? (Please note, these are third party programs, but clans have been using them for years and are crucial to our success, as such they ARE a requirement.  Further details can be provided on request.)

10. Is there anything in the near future that may impact your activity or ability to attend events?
Well i would like to train my range/mage a little higher before attending all the events to greater help the clan.


Hi, Welcome to our boards :)

I hope to see you in IRC soon :P
New WG Forums


[spoiler=Awards and Older Sigs]




Welcome. I advise you to get in our IRC and become accepted into the clan.
Guardian from 02/12 - 07/13!


Welcome to our forums, you have taken an important first step to joining us. Congrats!!!

Now take the next after being accepted graduate. :)




Yes i have already downloaded swiftkit and teamspeak and are in the IRC!

His Lordship

Hi Flames, pleased to meet you.
I'm the clan leader, and I look forward to getting to know you.
I'm living in the UK at the moment so I will leave your application in the hands of one of our American leaders, since I'm off to bed.
Catch you around.


Welcome to WG.   I'm looking forward to talking to you in irc and game.


Lord Himself

Welcome to the clan mate, hope you enjoy it here :)