WG vs Rune Outlaws (2004)

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Wilderness Guardians vs Rune Outlaws

The three-way battle between WG, Knights of Death and Rune Outlaws.

Date 27 November 2004
Type {{{Type}}}
Location Annakarl

Clans Involved

Purple cape.png Wilderness Guardians Red cape.png Rune Outlaws
Blue cape.png Knights of Death

Terms of War

F2P Knock-Out


WG victory

The Wilderness Guardians vs Rune Outlaws (WG vs RO/KoD) was the first planned war hosted by the Wilderness Guardians, and took place on 27 November 2004. Hostilities arose after His Lordship recieved an insulting message apparently from RO, and declared war. A third clan, the Knights of Death were also involved by accident, leading to a three-way fight at Annakarl. Due to RO breaking the Terms of War by wearing different coloured capes and leaving the war zone, WG claimed a victory by default, and the cheating clan was subsequently shunned by the wider clan community.


Around 14 November 2004, a message was sent to His Lordship via the clan's website through a form used for diplomatic matters. The message, apparently written by a member of the Rune Outlaws, contained insults directed at the clan and His Lordship's combat level (84 at the time, considerably low for a PvP clan leader), and stated "[RO] can kill [WG] anytime". Subsequently, His Lordship attempted to contact RO with the intention of declaring war in retaliation.

On 16 November His Lordship spoke to Deadlyjosh who was a Paladin rank in RO. His Lordship requested a full-out war, while Deadlyjosh wanted a matched fight of no more than 20v20, and a long and heated debate ensured. Eventually, His Lordship was able to schedule a full-out war with RO leader Renesito on 21 November. The battle would take place on Saturday, 27 November 2004 (midnight on Sunday, 28 November for the GMT timezone). It was a F2P war, and would be held on the WG homeworld (20) at Annakarl (the Demonic Ruins, or Greater Demons.

A few days after details were finalised, Slayeroftime, the leader of the Knights of Death (previously unaffiliated with either WG or RO) requested a war with WG. KoD had originally wanted a fight against The Synergy, who called on WG for help, but later backed down. His Lordship, believing that he was speaking to a RO member, accidentally provided KoD with the details of WG's upcoming war with RO - effectively scheduling another war with KoD at the same time. Upon realising his mistake a few days later, he attempted to rectify it by suggesting WG would fight KoD directly after RO. He requested that KoD delay for half an hour, giving WG time to fight RO before engaging in a second, separate war.

The Battle

File:Wg vs kod.jpg
WG unexpectedly find themselves in battle with the Knights of Death.

WG massed for the fight in Edgeville, boosted their prayer at the monastery, and made their way up to Annakarl at the planned time. WG charged in from the west, but found only looters and spies at the demonic ruins, and RO nowhere in sight. Only seconds later, KoD appeared, having arrived on the hour instead of delaying. KoD charged from the south-east, hitting WG somewhat unprepared. It is unclear exactly when RO became involved, but an intense three-way fight ensured between WG, KoD and RO. The battle spread out towards the west and down to the lava gap. All sides suffered heavy casualties, and at no point was there a clear winner. After some time and much confusion, WG eventually pulled out, leaving RO and KoD to continue fighting - it is not known which clan survived to the end.


WG claimed a victory by default, saying that despite KoD's presence, RO broke several of the terms of war by wearing different-coloured capes other than their official (red) cape, leaving and re-entering the war zone, and bringing friends and allies (according to some sources, Anarchy was also present). The wider clan community seemingly agreed with WG's position, and subsequently shunned RO as cheaters. RO was forced to withdraw their recruitment material due to negative public sentiment, and hostilities between WG and RO continued into the following year, and two subsequent wars occured. On both occasions, RO again violated the terms of war, and after the third war, WG refused to engage in battle with them again.

For much of the clan's history, very little was known about the war except for a brief overview in the clan's written history. Three WG members are known to have recorded footage of the fight - Wildflame110, Noricle and Maxrobinsun. The whereabouts of the latter two sets of footage are unknown - presumably lost to history. However, Wildflame110's recording was passed on to His Lordship, who in 2009 sent it to Vio for editing. On 2 November 2009, Vio released the edited video titled WG - First Blood to YouTube. It shows WG walking up to Annakarl and the start of the fight; however footage ends only a few minutes into the battle due to Wildflame110 accidentally logging out by hitting the backspace key, which sent him back a page in his internet browser. Nonetheless, His Lordship was pleased with the editing work. The video remains not only the first video footage of WG, but some of the earliest recorded footage ever taken in RuneScape 2.
