2005 Anniversary

From Wilderness Guardians
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The 2005 Anniversary was a celebration of the 2nd birthday of the Wilderness Guardians.


Still entitled as the Anniversary of 2005, the actual anniversary took place in 2006, almost 2 months later than expected. It was apparently a great success, although only the first 4 days are recorded on the clan's anniversary pages.

Day One

Day 1 consisted of four events. The Veteran War came first, and followed the style of the 2004 anniversary. The majority of the day was public, as many members from other clans were invited prior to the start. The Firefest was held, followed by a public drop party, in which over 15m was dropped - 10m coming from the clan bank. The day concluded with the conga line, which involved hundreds of players and may possible be the largest conga line ever made.

Day Two

Day 2 also had four events. The first was the Photo Shoot, in which members were dressed fully in either black or white wizard robes. A 20m drop party followed on the top of Lumbridge castle (This was before the Lumbridge bank was added). Two voyages of the Trawler followed, and the day concluded with a duelling contest. Council members handed out cash prizes as stakes. The entire day lasted over 4 and a half hours.

Day Three

Day 3 consisted of a Wildy Fr00bs reinactment, but with different events. These included a Market Crash in World 1, a Dance Party in Falador and a Rubber Chicken war at the Chaos Altar in the Wilderness. Prizes were awarded to survivors.

Day Four

Day 4 consisted of the Clan Quest/Da Lordy Code, and Hide and Seek. His Lordship was located at the top of Trollweiss Mountain. No pictures were saved from the Hide and Seek, although 1.8m was handed out for the finders. The day apparently ended with a raid, although there are no pictures from this event either.

Days Five to Seven

Days 5, 6 and 7 did not take place, as His Lordship was unable to host them.

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