A war is a PvP engagement between two or more clans. Wars differ from PK run-ins in that wars are planned in advance, generally giving members multiple days' or even weeks' notice to prepare, while PKRIs occur when two clans encounter each other while on PK trips. Historically "war" would refer to a knock-out (sometimes called an "all out" or "full out") battle in which players were not allowed to return to the battle after their first death, while a PKRI would generally have players on both sides constantly returning until one clan was "cleared" (they did not have enough players on the battlefield to continue fighting) or "ended" (their members ceased to return). Gradually the phrase "run-in" was applied to planned fights where returning was permitted, and time and kill caps were introduced as alternative methods to determine a victor. The modern clan war can be either a knock-out or a run-in, the latter of which is significantly more popular.