Lost Media

From Wilderness Guardians
Revision as of 23:38, 27 August 2024 by Vio (talk | contribs)
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Lost Media are photos, screenshots, videos and the like relevant to the Wilderness Guardians which have been lost to history. This is usually a result of a redundant third-party host (e.g. screenshots hosted on Imageshack), but can also be the result of simple deletion of the media (accidental or deliberate).

A list of lost media, categorised and in chronological order, has been compiled here - in the hopes that it may be recovered, potentially by members knowing of a source or having saved a copy.


TitleDateAuthorDescriptionLast known location
The Great War31 January 2010VioA video of The Great War from Vio's perspective, believed to have been lost in a hard drive crash.N/A
2009 Anniversary Firefest7 March 2010TorreoriaA short video of the 2009 Anniversary Firefest.Tinypic
WG vs Pink Patrons of Pain9 April 2011UnknownTwo videos of WG vs Pink Patrons of Pain recorded by WG members which have since been removed.YouTube


TitleDateAuthorDescriptionLast known location
Deadlyjosh's kill pic~1 February 2005XortXero's team killing RO member Deadlyjosh to claim the bounty set by His Lordship.Imageshack (URL inaccessible)

Other Images

TitleDateAuthorDescriptionLast known location
2009 Clanniversary BannerEarly 2010Samurai_JMThe forum banner for the 2009 Anniversary - there only exists a lower-quality version screencapped from a video.Imageshack
