Home world

From Wilderness Guardians
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A home world is a specific game server ("world") of RuneScape chosen by a clan for regular use, such as massing for Events - though members are encouraged to use the home world as often as possible, in order to facilitate easy trade and interactions between members outside of clan events.

WG's Home World

A screenshot of WG in World 20, their original home world, April 2004.

The most common home world of WG is P2P world 27. Prior to 2005, WG used the F2P world 20 for their events which were mainly held in F2P. The P2P world 27 was announced on 20 January 2005[1]. His Lordship has stated that world 27 was chosen because it is 3 to the power of 3 (3*3*3)[citation needed]. On RS3 world 27 remains the clan the home world, while on OSRS world 327 is used instead.


Reign of Terror (RoT) changed their home world to 27 in the summer of 2006 while in competition with WG, and continue to use OSRS world 327 as a home world as of 2024.


  1. His Lordship, 20 January 2005, Clan World, S4