AvidGamers History

From Wilderness Guardians
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The AvidGamers History is a semi-ficticious account of the early days of the Wilderness Guardians. It was written by His Lordship and published to the AvidGamers Website in 2004. It covers the following events of 2003 and 2004 in a fictionalised format:

  • His Lordship being PKed while collecting runes at the Dark Warrior's Fortress.
  • His Lordship posting about his experience on the Rune Village Fansite.
  • The founding of WG, and the gaining of 36 members within a week.
  • WG forming an Alliance with The Sabres.
  • WG being invited by Mortus Sabre to join The Federation.
  • WG reaching 100 members and celebrating with an in-game party.
  • An early period of decline where His Lordship considered resigning.
  • The production of a document known as the "Raid Procedures", at the suggestion of Rick Hamm.

The history is copied verbatim from the original, apart from some obvious error corrections (including the misspelling of the title, "Clan Histroy") and stylistic changes to fit the Wiki format.

Clan History

Here reads the history of the Wilderness Guardians, following the account of His Lordship

Hrm... Now what kind of story do you want to hear, my friends? Be there a story in this old man's heart fit for you? Ah... I have just the one. I remember...it was ever so long ago...Listen carefully my friends...I shall tell you the epic story of a boy and his struggle to purge the Wilderness of evil...The story of the Wilderness Guardians...

Chapter 1

The night was ever so cold, its breath echoing through the dead woods. A set of footsteps lay cast in the wet soil, and the moon and stars lay veiled behind the dark clouds.

"Be there a light in this place?" Whispered a frail voice.

His Lordship had been tracking through the Wilderness of Runescape this night. All that lay ahead of him was shadow, and behind, the dim lights of Edgeville. His armour was the fair mithril, and the chain of Saradomin lay on his chest. Adventure was with him, as he ventured further into the darkness.

Then from nowhere sprouted a great fortress of stone, a dim light transcending through the barred windows.

"So this is it. The dark warriors fortress..." Spoke Lordship, to himself.

Long had he desired to see it with his own two eyes. The greatness and power of it, paralleled with fear and evil. It was told by many that within its walls were the legendary runes. The door lay wide open, and as he walked in, a shudder fell upon him. The stone chambers echoed his footsteps into sleepless silence, and not a soul was there, or so he thought. Further in he walked, his pace quickening. Every corner turned to show him a new path. Deeper he went until a last, he found them. The runes of legend. He was there at last, to claim what he had so long been looking for. It seemed all to good, until fate, in its humour, made a turn for the worse.


The door behind slammed. Turning around, His Lordship saw twelve great figures, clad in the green hallmark of rune armour. Two were by the door, standing still, waiting. The others had stalked across the room, knowing they had the power in this place. Having now surrounded him, the nearest one leapt upon Lordship, pummeling him under weight of mighty metal. the figures began chanting "Kill him now, he's no threat to us!" Fleeing his many foes, His Lordship tried to heal his wounds. But the killers were too fast. Over and over did he try and run out the door, but the two standing by closed it, sealing him inside.

"HOLD!" bellowed one figure. "Don't kill him."

Was this too good to be true my friends? Would they indeed go away?

His Lordship, exhausted from his torturous ordeal, cried out to them "Thank You my friend! Thank You!" One person came forward, and presented him with food, and waited. But before he could finish his last meal, they came down upon him once more, surrounding him.

"You noobish fool!" They roared as laughter rang off the walls splattered with His Lordship's blood. And with that, they plunged their swords through his armour as one, through his heart. As he stumbled to the ground, choking on his blood, they freed their weapon from him, and cleaned it on his body, as his eyes faded...

Chapter 2

Waking in Lumbridge, His Lordship began to find his feet.

"Hey this is really cool stuff. Thanks!" came a familiar voice. Those murderers, out of pure cruel spite, haunted him yet with ethereal voices as they plundered his body.

As he lay there, on the green grass, he told himself "To my very last days, I will fight against this evil. I will make it known across the world that nobody will ever again have to suffer like me." The nearby villagers began mocking him, even as he reared to his full height, an imposing figure despite being stripped of his wealth.

"Ha! Good luck my noobish friend. You'll never get far enough to make a difference."

Determined to prove them wrong, he brushed himself off and headed to the Rune Village, to find himself a clan whose hearts lay pure and free of corruption. Long did he search, but none did he find that would take him in. None.

"Join the Wilderness Guardians! I speak to all of you that have the courage to stand away from the crowd. I call upon those who have the courage of heart to fight for the righteous cause. Who will bear arms with me to stand against the armies of evil for the very first time? Protect the weak and innocent. End the torture. Free those who have been enslaved by the bonds of poverty. Aid all those who fell victim to death"

The notice was placed everywhere, along the streets, in the taverns, and soon it spread through word of mouth. A new power began growing, as the laughed at Lordship gathered all those who shared a common purpose. The first week saw the entry of thirty-six members, who helped in whatever way they could. The forging of armour, the declaration of the word, the fist and sword in battle, and the prayer of those who could do nothing but watch. Slowly, the clan continued to grow, until at last, word reached the Sabres, who reached out to the newly founded Wilderness Guardians, and gave them their baptism of fire.

Chapter 3

The Sabres were once the most powerful clan on the face of Runescape. Their word was immortal, and of all clans, they held wisdom beyond the rest. His Lordship conferred long with Mortus Sabre, and gained his clan entry to the league of the Federation, a network of clans that shared the desire to bring and end to this murder. Through the Federation, the clan fostered many new alliences, aiding them in their quest.

It had been only a few months since the foundation of the clan, when the one hundredth member came to join the ranks.

"This day is blessed in deed. Never listen to those who oppress you. Follow your aspirations and one day you will reach that place you always wanted to be." His Lordship, with a tear in his eye, turned to Lord Xin, his brother, and together, they joined the clan in jubilation. The music raged and the party fired on, as His Lordship watched over everyone sharing in the joyous festivies of the 100 member milestone. Allies and members alike were there, talking and shouting and playing games. The party would have gone for far longer had a single mage unallied with the clan not come and stolen the gifts by magic that were to be shared. It was a day His Lordship would never forget.

Chapter 4

Soon after the party, the clan began to decline, ever so slowly. The members had lost that inspiration that once blazed in their hearts. Corruption soon came, and the clan began losing money to those that no longer cared for the salvation of the wilderness. His Lordship, who had gone so far, had been reduced to a stage where he had written a letter of resignation, prepared to leave his clan to the wolves. The support of his closest allies gave him strength renewed to withdraw his resignation. It was time for action...

"I have called you here today to answer me this. What must we do in order to save this clan from eventual destruction?" Proposed His Lordship to his council of leaders. "You all are aware of what is happening. What shall we do? Tell me."

One by one the leaders put forward their ideas. Rick Hamm, second in rank, spoke of the documenting of policies which the clan would adopt. Into this document, was poured the fruit of a long political battle. The "Raid Procedures" they are called, my friends. A fresh clan with a fresh start. This was what His Lordship had needed to rekindle the desire to rid the Wilderness of those impure murderers.

How does the story finish? My friends, it is not MY ending to tell, but yours. However, there is one last thing that I would say to you, and it is a battle cry and chant. It goes like this: "WE ARE THE SHIELD OF THE INNOCENT! GUARDIANS, UNITE!!!" May the spirit of good persevere in all of you.