The TeamSpeak Rant

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His Lordship's hand-written script of the TeamSpeak Rant

The TeamSpeak Rant, also known as WG Leader Goes Nuts and His Lordship on TeamSpeak is a recording of His Lordship. The recording was created in 2005 and was directed to a group of WG and ex-WG members known as the "TeamSpeak Crew", who were responsible for a mutiny during a WG raid. The recording was leaked to the wider clan community, and has since become one of the clan's most infamous pieces of media.



Around August/September 2005 (2 years into leadership), a group of WG and ex-WG known as the "TeamSpeak crew" became aggravated by the leadership. Using the voip program, members (and some non-WG, mostly Dark Slayers and Harathoi) were convinced to commit a mutiny against WG during an American Raid, led by HavocAngel and Krow08. The attacking group rushed the raiding WG and barraged them from across the Member's Gate, and as the WG were mostly melee, they were frozen and could not retaliate.

Upon receiving the news, His Lordship was angered immensely. Because of the time differences in America and Australia, he could not confront the culprits live. He wrote down the rant on paper and it was recorded by Iron This, who then played it to the persons responsible. Those involved were immediately suspended, and the ex-members exiled from WG's presence (in particular Calmax, for his immaturity).

A year or so later, the recording was made into a soundboard by Pulzar. The almost-complete recording was uploaded to YouTube on September 16th 2006 by legato223, entitled "WG Leader goes Nuts" (and featuring an image of Steve Irwin, as His Lordship is Australian). The video has gained over 13,000 views. It has become one of the most renowned pieces of WG-related media, and has played a major contribution to His Lordship's infamous reputation. A higher-quality version was uploaded by theuberelite on July 19th 2010, which contains the entire clip and is more audiable.

The recording inaccurately portrays an impression of His Lordship's leadership as tyrannical, to unknowledgable clanners. This is a misrepresentation, and has been acknowledged by His Lordship as poor leadership (with age as a contributing factor). 5 years on, the recording has been incorporated into the entire clan world, with quotes such as "Nothing left!" and "I don't give a pinch of shit" (Abbreviated to "IDGAPOS") being used generally positively and humourously. His Lordship himself has included the "Nothing left" phrase in war speeches, and even the WG theme song "The Guardian Power." In an interview with His Lordship by Mod Timbo for Jagex's October Clan Submissions blog, he commented:

"Ok, well, before the readers start Youtubing my rant, I must warn them to turn down their volume and plug in their headphones in case the parents are nearby.

Back in 2005, WG was on a PK trip, and we got backstabbed by a bunch of disgruntled WG and ex-WG... and I mean massively barraged to death.

They were Americans mostly and I was Australian, so I came up with the brilliant idea of recording a rant to be played back to them later. Well, it became an instant hit and led to my sudden fame... but for all the wrong reasons. In retrospect, I shouldn't have been so stupid but I'm still glad, because it makes a lot of people laugh - even myself!"

Several versions of the rant have been done afterwards, by members such as Stokenut. His Lordship also translated it to the German language and performed it over TeamSpeak during the 2009 Anniversary. On August 28th 2010 at RuneFest/WG's 5th Real Life meeting His Lordship performed sections of the rant live to the ~400 attendees outside Vinopolis. Several of the swearwords were removed or replaced ("I don't give a pinch of shit" to "I don't give a pinch of whatever" and "Don't fuck with me" to "Don't mess with me" for example). Some sections were cut out, and some additional words ("This is the worst crime" to "This is by far the worst crime"). It received a great round of applause and was filmed by many WG and others, including legendary video maker Excl.

The contents of this article is mainly taken from the RS Clans Wiki.