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== WG vs Knights Reflection ==
== WG vs Knights Reflection ==
<p>27 November 2010 - a humorous speech written by Sean Sabre (from WG's allies [[The Sabres]]) and given by [[Warlord]] Darth Magul (who had the character name "His Broship" at the time). The opposing clan, Knights Reflection, had pulled only 8 members against WG's 22, and WG were guaranteed a win.</p>
<p>27 November 2010 - a humorous speech written by '''Sean Sabre''' (from WG's allies [[The Sabres]]) and given by [[Warlord]] Darth Magul (who had the character name "His Broship" at the time). The opposing clan, Knights Reflection, had pulled only 8 members against WG's 22, and WG were guaranteed a win.</p>
<q>My name is His Broship. Tonight shall be a night to remember. Tonight we shall leave a scar on the clan community. This wound shall be so deep and our reputation boosted so strongly, that even The Sabres will cower in fear. Do not fear, for KR are inferior and we will eliminate them. They want a fight, and a fight they shall have! Guardians, tonight, we march to battle. Tonight, we march to victory! To war!</q>
<q>My name is His Broship. Tonight shall be a night to remember. Tonight we shall leave a scar on the clan community. This wound shall be so deep and our reputation boosted so strongly, that even The Sabres will cower in fear. Do not fear, for KR are inferior and we will eliminate them. They want a fight, and a fight they shall have! Guardians, tonight, we march to battle. Tonight, we march to victory! To war!</q>

Revision as of 13:20, 10 July 2020

A pre-war speech is a generally scripted speech given to the clan from a leader or high-ranking member via voice chat such as Discord prior to the start of a War. Speeches usually last only a few minutes, and are usually given to boost the clan's morale before a major battle and encourage members to perform their best to secure a victory. Ocassionally, speeches can be humorous for less serious fights to create a more casual and relaxed atmosphere.

Speeches by His Lordship

The majority of pre-war speeches in WG were given by His Lordship during his time as a leader.

WG vs Crimson Raiders

3 January 2009 - a speech given before a Clan Wars battle against Crimson Raiders, for which a victory would put WG at #10 on the Zybez RAW rankings.

Guardians, we take this moment to reflect on the great wars in our proud history, knowing this war - upon which we are on the brink - is to join that noble lineage. It is in wars that we find our greatest unity, for at no other time do we come together for such a common cause as that of honest victory. Many times have we faced a foe outnumbered, outpowered, and many times have we seen victory against the will of destiny. My friends, I do not lie in saying that we march upon a clan of greater power, but I also do not lie in saying we are not afraid. We will show them that the true power of a clan is made with the bonds of its members. Together, we will slay them with such force and such reckoning that they will have nothing left!

The Battle of Turning Tides

27 June 2010 - a speech given before The Battle of Turning Tides in which WG defeated Dangerous Business and ended the clan's six-month losing streak.

Guardians, very rarely does a moment like this cross your path. We stand at the great crossroads of change. Listen, and listen well. You must not allow fear to overcome you. Too many months have been wasted cowering before the clan world. Tonight, it is our turn to strike such a fear into our enemies that they will beg for defeat to arrive on swifter wings. Tonight, feel nothing but Guardian Power - a power unlike any that the Wilderness has yet witnessed. Some of us will die this night - but not all of us. We shall come out victorious. Never before has victory been within such close reach - all we need to do is extend our hand and grasp it. Guardians, we unite to finally end the curse that has plagued us for too long. We unite - the Shield of the Innocent - to witness the great Turning of Tides. Morale means everything - wars are won by using the enemy's fear against them; wars such as these are decided in only moments. You have but one chance to strike a fear so powerful into our enemies that they will not recover. Remember Guardians, we are one of the great warring clans of RuneScape; it is written in our history, that we will deliver so powerful a blow into our foes that it shall never be forgotten. This is our moment - seize it, and live it! Guardians, we march!

WG vs The Gladiatorz

10 October 2010 - a speech given before WG's first old-school style fight against The Gladiatorz.

Guardians, to find your enemy, seek not The Gladiatorz, look not into the horizon. Instead, turn your gaze deep into yourself, and behold what lies there. The great fallacies of your ego will destroy you if you allow them to. Fear not - you have strength beyond all others. Take courage, brave warriors, for fear is of no value to you. I tell you solemnly - it is the enemy that should fear our might. Look about you - here stands all we need for victory. Do not worry yourselves with the outcome of this war; let the forces of destiny run their courses around you; think only of the weapon in your hand, and the force that guides it. The moment has come once more for this clan to demonstrate its mastery of the art of massacre. We have cause to win that our enemy cannot understand. Honour! Innocence! Brotherhood! You lift your swords for much more than yourselves. My brave Guardians, for everything that you love about what we have made, fight! The Guardian Power shall be unleashed once more, and never forgotten. Give your fear to The Gladiatorz, for you need it not - but they do! Brave soldiers of innocence, if you seek victory - follow me, now, where we shall show the world once more that the Wilderness Guardians is the greatest clan of all! Let us march!

WG vs Desolation

9 August 2011 - a speech given before a large-scale P2P battle against Desolation.

My fine brothers in arms, I call on you to fight, die, and fight again, for all that you love about this clan. They call you a Guardian. When you cross the ancient, crumbling wall, you are going home. Yours is a land of desolation. But tell me - what defeats desolation every time? Brotherhood! Friendship! Loyalty! My brave Guardians, look about yourselves and see not a scattered band of brigands, but a single, united, deadly force. A dead clan we are not, and never shall we be. Let us take this barren wasteland of ours to its core. Let it know once more its masters. Let the blood of our enemies be witnessed before the great demons we march towards in mere moments. May the ground tremble and our blades, our spells, our arrows strike true. Guardians, I bid you, in the name of all honour that remains, follow me and bring our enemies to the ground! For the unicorns!

WG vs Poison

5 May 2013 - a speech given before WG's first planned fight in Old-School RuneScape against Poison, and His Lordship's final speech to date.

Be still, my brothers and sisters - heavy are the words that I must share tonight. Leave behind the world around you, for now, you belong to the realm of Gielinor and you are a warrior standing behind soft, wooden walls, surrounded by your companions in battle. Put aside the cares of your armours and your skills. Lay down the worries for your friends, and ask yourself: who are you? You are a Wilderness Guardian. You are writing a chapter in a decade-long story; you are a defender of the ways of Honour in an honourless world. You are a Wilderness Guardian; you are famous across the entire realm, a member of a family that knows no borders. You are also the laughing stock of the clan world. "Your clan is dead," they tell me; "When was the last time you were relevant to the clan world?" they say about us. For all our grand aspirations and impressive accomplishments, we are dismissed as worthless. I tell you now though, that value cannot be given - only made. Look about you - your bretheren are gathered here to lay down their lives for our one cause. It is for the glory of this clan and its legacy that we are here. Our legacy - our story - has been questioned. They say that we are not worthy of remembrance, that we are dead. Is it true? Here we stand, proud and tall to show the clan world, and more importantly to show ourselves, that greatness still lives behind these old, beaten walls. We choose right now to rise above the petty mocking of others. We are here in great numbers and great strength to show the clan world that they were wrong about us. Poison have summoned us to battle and we have responded with passion and determination and courage. Draw your weapons, my noble kin. Do not be afraid, for this night belongs to us, and very soon it will take its place amongst the proudest moments in our history. Do not be afraid, for your friends will protect you. They will put aside their difference and for one timeless moment we will all be united as a single, deadly force. Do not be afraid, just remember who you are - you are a Wilderness Guardian. That northern wasteland, that land of blood, desolation, and death is your dominion. Tonight, we are going home. I call on you to fight for everything we hold dear; I summon you to reclaim our fallen glory. Follow me into battle, follow me into victory! Guardians, we march!

Speeches by Vio

Several speeches have been given to both WG and DG by Vio, who served as Warlord and Second in Command of WG, and Leader of DG.

WG vs 420 PKers

4 January 2011 - Vio's first speech for WG, given before a war against 420 PKers which he was permitted to organise despite not being a ranking member of staff.

Thank you, Guardians, for being here tonight. Before we begin there is one thing I must explain - I am not staff. And even though the staff - in an inspiring act of faith - have unanimously agreed to allow me to host a war, I require support from not just them, but the entire clan - from trial to tertiary - in order for this to be successful. There is an old proverb which in a simple form everyone recognises as, "it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game". If one were to say that in terms of a RuneScape war, they would be slandered for it. The stronger clans would say that only a weak force unsure of victory would speak such. But what is victory? To me, victory is more than just who has more numbers or killcount at the end of the night. Clan wars are fought to define superior strength, be it in levels, or skill, or experience. And sadly, today the desire for a win on the battlefield has grown too strong for many. We know there are clans out there who will go to unreasonable lengths to claim they are superior after the bloodshed. But we are not one of them. We are the Wilderness Guardians, and whether it was five of us marching into the Wilderness for the first time, or fifty, for our own survival fighting in The Great War, or five hundred deathmarching against the Dark Slayers, we know that victory on the battlefield and proving strength is inspiring. It boosts morale, and it strengthens our hearts and our desire to grow. But there is nothing more inspiring and strengthening than ensuring the battle is won clean and fair, and that every single member of both clans enjoys themselves throughout. That is true victory. When we say "good luck" to 420 tonight, and "good fight" after the war is over, you won't say it just because I told you to. You will say it because you truly mean it. When our blades clash, I want this war to be rewarding for you individually. Whether you leave feeling that your hits were high, or your tanking was impressive, or that you got several kills, or that you spammed as best you could, I only ask that you depart tonight knowing that you gave it your absolute best, no matter what the outcome. And that is what brings victory, and that is what makes you more than just a name on a list - that is what makes you a Guardian, and be proud of it! Now let's get out there and give 420 a damn good game of RuneScape. Guardians, we march!

DG vs The Phoenix Legions

10 February 2012 - a speech given before DG fought TPL in the clan's second serious planned Wilderness war.

Five days ago, Descendant Guardians went balls-in against Poison in our first ever PK run-in. We were outnumbered and out-matched, but we went in anyway, and we held out 'till the end. Some say suffering a defeat to Poison is the greatest of defeats, but I say, our performance on that night was the greatest of victories. Tonight, we show that performance again but with a win! Three months ago TPL took victory over us in CWA, but now, we've called them out into our Wilderness! Tonight all the odds are against us, but we are standing strong, once again. We will not back down! Soldiers of DG, five days ago we stepped up and said "we're worthy of respect". Tonight, we take that respect by force! Descendant Guardians, follow me, fight with honour, stand for victory, and never back down! Let's do this DG, let's fucking do this!

Speeches by Others

Occasionally other staff members have given pre-war speeches in the absence of a leader.

WG vs Knights Reflection

27 November 2010 - a humorous speech written by Sean Sabre (from WG's allies The Sabres) and given by Warlord Darth Magul (who had the character name "His Broship" at the time). The opposing clan, Knights Reflection, had pulled only 8 members against WG's 22, and WG were guaranteed a win.

My name is His Broship. Tonight shall be a night to remember. Tonight we shall leave a scar on the clan community. This wound shall be so deep and our reputation boosted so strongly, that even The Sabres will cower in fear. Do not fear, for KR are inferior and we will eliminate them. They want a fight, and a fight they shall have! Guardians, tonight, we march to battle. Tonight, we march to victory! To war!