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The Clan Anniversary, sometimes called the Clanniversary, is an annual series of events held to celebrate the birth of the Wilderness Guardians on 6 December 2003.

Anniversary celebrations are held once a year and consist of a series of in-game events, many of which are open to the public. In the early years, all events were hosted on and around the clan's birthday on the 6th of December; however in later years and as more events were scheduled, the celebrations would take place over the course of several weeks, occasionally in the days leading up to the 6th of December, and often in the following year. The anniversary generally has its own specific board or boards created on the Forums and there may be as many as 20 different events for members of the clan (and occasionally the public) to attend.

WG Anniversaries

Year/Main ArticleDates/DaysEvents (RS2)
Events (OSRS)Events (RS3)
2004 Anniversary11 December 2004-7 January 2005 (7 Days)Veteran War, Firefest, Drop Parties (3), Duelling Contest, Castle Wars, Wildy Fr00bs (3), Fancy Dress Contest, Photo Shoot, Hide and Seek, Kalphite Queen, Clan Quest, King Black Dragon, Trawler Trip, Iron War (18 Events)
2005 AnniversaryJanuary–February 2006 (4 Days)Veteran War, Firefest, Drop Parties (2), Conga Line, Photo Shoot, Trawler Trip, Duelling Contest, Wildy Fr00bs (3), Clan Quest, Hide and Seek, Raid (15 Events)
2006None, due to D-Day and His Lordship's third permanent ban.
2007 Anniversary2007 (2+ Days)Flower Power, Firefest, Castle Wars, Veteran War, Firefest, Drop Party, Conga Line, Photo Shoot, Trawler Trip, Duelling Contest (10+ Events)
2008 Anniversary6–23 December 2008 (8 Days)Firefest, Drop Party, Conga Line, Race Through Taverly Dungeon, Flower Power, Musical Chairs, Tombstone Bombing, Bandit Crashing, Clan Quest, Photo Shoot, Snowball Fight, Zombie, Dance Party, Games Room, Rogues Den, Pokemon Battle, Bronze War, ARPKing Trip, Karaoke (19 Events)
2009 Anniversary7-28 March 2010 (5 Days)Veteran War, Drop Party, Firefest, Megaraid, Musical Chairs, Race to the Throne, Snowball Fight, iSketch, Barrel Bombing, Zombie, Dance Party, Scavenger Hunt, Streets of Ardougne, Campfire Stories, Clan Quest, Photo Shoot (16 Events)
2010 Anniversary22-30 January 2011 (7 Days)Veteran War, Drop Party, Firefest, Clan Quest, Ultimate Runescapez, Market Crash, Snowball Fight, Megaraid, Rubik's Cube, Zombie, The Great Race, Dance Party, Brimhaven Agility Races, Trouble Brewing, Campfire Stories, iSketch (16 Events)
2011None - attempts were made to organise but all fell through[1].
2012None - once again all attempts to organise fell through[2].
2013 Anniversary18–19 January 2014 (2 Days)Firefest, Photo Shoot (RS3/OSRS), Clan Quest (3 Events)Veteran War, Citadel Party, Photo Shoot(RS3/OSRS) (3 Events)
2014None, due to His Lordship's retirement.
2015None, as with 2014[3].
2016 Anniversary3–6 December 2016 (4 Days)Veteran War, Firefest, Photo Shoot, Drop Party (4 Events)Veteran War, Firefest, Photo Shoot, Drop Party (4 Events)
2017 Anniversary9 December 2017 (1 Day)Deadman Seasonals, Veteran War, Firefest, Drop Party, Hide and Seek, (4 Events)Veteran War, Drop Party (2 Events)
2018 Anniversary8 December 2018 (1 Day)Corporeal Beast, Flower Bombing, Veteran War, Drop Party, PK trip (5 Events)Veteran War, Drop Party, Kalphite King (3 Events)
2019 Anniversary7 December 2019 (1 Day)Corporeal Beast, Flower Bombing, Veteran War, Drop Party, PK trip (5 Events)Veteran War, Drop Party, WildyWyrm (3 Events)

DG Anniversary

The DG Anniversary

WG's junior clan the Descendant Guardians has celebrated one anniversary. This took place on June 20th 2012, exactly one year after The Reckoning in which the third iteration of DG was established.

Four events were held in total, lasting over four hours over the course of the single day. Each of the three staff members (Leader Vio and advisors Mojo and Koffin Cat) organised one. Mojo's event "Battle Royale" came first which was a no-limits fight in the battlefield of WG's Clan Citadel. This was followed by Koffin Cat's "One Night In Cabbage" – a cabbage-bombing event at the Grand Exchange. Vio's "Steel of Legends" came third, in which DG and allies BlacKnights took part in a steel war (with rune weapons) in the Wilderness. The celebrations ended with "The Rebirth" – a drop party for both WG and DG in the Citadel, hosted by Vio who dropped a number of items with a value totalling to over 10,000,000 coins.


Events which have taken place during anniversary celebrations are:

Event NameEvent DescriptionYears Held
Bandit CrashingCrashing other players training at the Bandit Camp in the Kharidian Desert.2008
Barrel BombingDropping many barrels (a large in-game item) in a crowded area.2009
Brimhaven Agility RacesA competitive race in the Brimhaven agility dungeon.2010
Bronze WarA F2P war with only bronze armour.2008
Burthope Games RoomCompeting against each other in the the various minigames.2008
Campfire StoriesTelling stories in voice chat while sitting around a fire in-game.2009, 2010
Castle WarsCompeting in Castle Wars matches, either inter-clan or teaming together in a populated world.2004
Citadel PartyA tour of and various games in the Clan Citadel.2013
Clan Quest/Da Lordy CodeTrying to find His Lordship in-game as he releases various clues.2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013
Conga/Congo LineCreating a long line by following each other in a crowded area.2004, 2005, 2007
Corporeal BeastKilling the Corporeal Beast as a mass.2018
Dance PartyFollow-dancing in a crowded area.2005, 2008, 2009, 2010
Deadman SeasonalsTaking part in the Deadman Seasonal Tournament.2017
Drop PartyA drop party funded by the staff or clan bank, occasionally held publicly.2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018
Duel Arena/Duelling ContestA fighting competition between members at the Duel Arena.2004, 2005, 2007
Fancy Dress ContestA competition between members for the best in-game outfit.2004
FirefestLighting many fires in a designated or crowded area.2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2017
Fishing TrawlerTaking part in the Fishing Trawler minigame.2004, 2005, 2007
Flower PowerPlanting many flowers using mithril seeds in a crowded area.2008, 2018
Hide and SeekMembers hide and try to find each other in-game.2004, 2005, 2017
Iron WarA F2P war with only iron armour (Rune scimitars may be allowed).2004
iSketchAn out-of-game event where members draw an object and the other players guess at what it is.2009, 2010
Kalphite QueenKilling the Kalphite Queen as a mass.2004
KaraokeSinging Karaoke on voice chat.2008
King Black DragonKilling the King Black Dragon as a mass.2004
Market Crash/Marketplace DisruptionDisrupting a trading area such as the Varrock Bank or Grand Exchange with spam and/or items.2004, 2005, 2010
Musical ChairsMusical chairs played in a Player-Owned House dining room with music played over voice chat.2008, 2009, 2010
PK Trip/MegaraidA large-scale traditional PK trip.2009, 2010, 2018
Race through Taverly DungeonA competitive race through the long and complex Taverly dungeon.2008
Race to the ThroneA race to the Clan House's Throne Room.2009
Photo ShootThe clan gathering in a specific in-game costume for the purpose of screenshots.2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2016
Pokemon BattleA Clan Wars battle where members use their Summoning familiars to fight (RS2/RS3).2008
Rogues DenCompeting in the Rogues Den minigame.2008
Rubber Chicken WarA fun war using only rubber chickens.2005
Rubik's CubePlayers wear six items of different colours, and trade to try and acquired a full set of one colour.2010
Scavenger HuntPlayers are tasked with acquiring specific items and competing to collect them.2009
Snowball FightA fun war using only wind strike.2008, 2009, 2010
Streets of ArdougneA pickpocketing/thieving competition in Ardougne.2009
Suicide Tombstone BombingPlayers would suicide to fill a populated area with gravestones (RS2/RS3).2008
Tinychat ChallengeAn out-of-game event where competitions are held in voice/video chat.2010
The Great RaceA long distance race across RuneScape from Oo'glog to Burgh de Rott.2010
Trouble BrewingCompeting in the Trouble Brewing minigame.2010
Ultimate RuneScapezA resource-collecting competition.2010
Veteran WarA war at the wilderness Bandit Camp with older clan members in steel and newer members in Rune.All Anniversaries
WarA traditional planned fight with another clan.2010
Wildy Fr00bsA collection of various events.2004, 2005
ZombieA tag/tig-like game where players hide in-game, and if found they become "zombies" and join the search.2008, 2009, 2010

The only event which has taken place during every anniversary is the Veteran War.

Special Events

There are a handful of events which are considered cornerstones to the anniversaries.

Veteran War

The Veteran War is an inter-clan war which serves as a reenactment of the clan's first PK trip in December of 2003, as well as being symbolic of the clan's progress. A veteran war has been held every year for which there has been an anniversary, and from 2016 onwards there have been two per anniversary (one in Old-School RuneScape and one in RuneScape 3).

The clan traditionally masses at the western bank in Falador, where members who attend are divided into two groups: veterans (who wear full steel armour and wield steel 2h swords), and non-veterans who have standard F2P fight gear (generally full Rune armour). Members who are considered veterans have usually been in WG for at least two years, or have attended a previous anniversary[4] - though this is subject to the leadership's decision based on the event attendance.

The clan then marches to the Monastery where members pick cabbages for food, as was done in 2003. Both groups make their way up to the Bandit Camp in the Wilderness, and the Veterans set up to defend inside, arranging themselves in a west-to-east line facing south. The non-veterans charge and attack (usually from the south entrance), and the battle commences. The non-veterans have always been victorious in a symbol of the clan's progress, while the veterans would end up in the "Lumbridge Club".

Clan Quest

The Clan Quest (in early years called Da Lordy Code, a play on "DaVinci Code") was an event in which His Lordship would hide at an in-game location, and members were challenged with finding him. The event would have a separate section of the Forum created with password-protected boards housing a series of clues - these came in many forms including riddles, Flash animations, and even musical snippets. The Clan Quest was considered one of the most challenging events of the anniversary but has not been held since 2013 due to His Lordship's retirement.

Photo Shoot

The Photo Shoot involves the clan members dressing in a pre-determined costume of the leadership's choice and take part in various activities such as performing synchronised emotes for the purpose of obtaining impressive and memorable screenshots. Some historical costumes are black and white wizard robes (2005), Pirates and Ninjas (2008), and Spartans (2009). A Photo Shoot has been planned or held almost every anniversary.


The Firefest involves co-ordinating the clan to start hundreds of fires which cover a large area in-game, usually north of Falador or - in later years - at the Grand Exchange. These are considered symbolic - as if they are thousands of birthday candles. A Firefest has been held almost every anniversary.


  1. Wayshow, 15 January 2012, Anniversary, SMF
  2. Mojo, 7 January 2013, Gene - Anniversary, SMF
  3. Mojo, 1 December 2015, Birthday Topic, SMF
  4. His Lordship, 12 January 2014, Day One, SMF