From Wilderness Guardians
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2004 was the first full year of the Wilderness Guardians. The year also saw the end of the RuneScape Classic era and the beginning of the RuneScape 2 era.




  • February 4 - The original clan Website is released.
  • February 20 - WG hits the 100 member mark.


  • March 10 - A party is held to celebrate reaching 100 members.
  • March 15 - Sum41xx resigns from his poistion as Co-Leader and is replaced by Rick Hamm, and Docster is made 3rd In Command at Rick's request.
  • March 29 - RuneScape 2 is released and WG makes the move to this game, marking the end of WG's small RuneScape Classic era.
  • Unknown - Falco307 bribes his way into a high rank and attempts a mutiny by trying to convince WG that he is the new new leader. The coup fails, and Falco and his accomplice Jedi Rin are removed, in the first recorded expulsion from WG.


A F2P PK trip, April 2004.
  • April 17 (or 27)[1] - WG migrates from the AvidGamers Website to the S7 Forums.
  • April 24 - His Lordship writes a clan advert on the Rune Village Fansite and begins construction on a new clan Website.
  • April 27 - His Lordship begins writing a Clan Thesis but it is lost prior to publication, and Rick Hamm is given an equal share in leadership of the clan.
  • Unknown - Eragon CD leaves WG to start his own clan The Synergy. Over 30 members follow him and a Rivalry develops.


  • May 17 - Lord Xin and Rick Hamm's Co-Leaders Ceremony is held.
  • May 21 - WG hits the 100 member mark a second time.
  • May 29 - The first PK trip with over 25 members present is held.


  • June 5 - The first Requirements of 60+ Combat are set.
  • June 15 - WG holds an inactivity sweep and begins a recruitment campaign.
  • June 20 - Attempts to strengthen the alliance with The Sabres are made through talks with Cajun Sabre.
  • June 21 - The first P2P PK Trips start, and the first clan photo album is published to the clan Website.
  • June 23 - WG hits the 100 member mark a third time.


A F2P PK trip, July 2004.
  • July 3 - A PK trip is interrupted by Anarchy.
  • July 10 - A second PK trip is ruined by Anarchy; WG and The Sabres declare war, Anarchy declines.
  • July 16 - Plans for a new clan Website are drawn up.
  • July 20 (or 30)[2] - WG migrates from S7 Forums to S4 Forums.
  • July 25 - Work on the new clan website begins.
  • July 28 - Political talks on the Rune Village fansite are held due to an insultive post by Tibberman.
  • July 29 - The first PK trip with over 35 members present is held.


  • August 5 - WG allies with the RuneScape Warriors, and His Lordship completes and publishes the completed Clan Thesis.
  • August 12 - WG re-opens its doors to new recruits (reasons for closure unknown).



A F2P PK trip, October 2004.
  • October 3 - The requirements are raised to 70+ Combat.
  • October 4 - The 2004 Census results are published.
  • October 30 - WG hits the 150 member mark.


  • November 3 - A "Veteran Cape" is introduced[4], Mochacho456 is announced as Member of the Month, and Lord Xin leaves the clan temporarily.
  • November 14 - A war against the Rune Outlaws is scheduled[5].
  • November 16 - A date and time for the RO war is chosen.
  • November 20 - The clan website receives an update.
  • November 21 - The final confirmation for the RO war is made[6].
  • November 27 - WG's first war, against the Rune Outlaws, takes place.


The Veteran War from the 2004 Anniversary, 11 December 2004.
  • December 3 - The requirements are raised to 75+ Combat, and Noricle is given the position of "Melee Trainer" as well as Member of the Month[7].
  • December 8 - Anniversary times are set, and the bronze war event is organised for the 11th.
  • December 11 - The 2004 Anniversary begins, and the first recorded awards are announced in the form of graphic medals[8].
  • December 16 - His Lordship focuses the clan to the Fansite Runetopia.
  • December 20 - Write2brandy is reported dead from Leukemia and his funeral is held[9].
  • December 21 - Deadlyjosh insults Brendan's grave, WG declares war on RO in retaliation.
  • December 27 - The second war with RO is announced.
  • December 28 - WG member Brian The Sm is reported to have passed away after a battle with Leukemia, as reported by V3 Amazin to Lord Xin[10].
  • December 29 - His Lordship writes an anti-American post on Rune Village; around 50 members leave WG, including Rick Hamm and Noricle to form The Revolution.
  • December 30 - His Lordship steps down to Senior Member and Myst01 becomes the second Leader of WG[11].

Notes and References

Wildguard History, Web Archive

  1. Historical accounts written near the time say the change occurred on the 17th, but a news announcement on the clan website says the 27th.
  2. Once again, historical accounts written near the time say the change occurred on the 20th, but a news announcement on the clan website says the 30th.
  3. His Lordship, 22 September 2004, Official Clan Census, S4
  4. His Lordship, 3 November 2004, Rewards For Clan Members, S4
  5. His Lordship, 14 November 2004, We're Going To War, S4
  6. His Lordship, 21 November 2004, Full Scale War Confirmed, S4
  7. His Lordship, 3 December 2004, A New Director of Melee, S4
  8. His Lordship, 11 December 2004, Medals, S4
  9. Wildflame110, 20 December 2004, Write2brandy, S4
  10. His Lordship, 28 December 2004, Brian The Sm], S4
  11. His Lordship, 30 December 2004, America, S4

Wilderness Guardians Timeline
2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024
Forum Eras
AvidGamers (2003-2004) - S7 (2004) - S4 (2004-2005) - S10 (2005-2006) - PHPBB (2006) - Z6 (2006-2008) - IPB1 (2008-2011) - SMF (2011-2017) - IPB4 (2017-Present)
Written History
2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011